I was hired by Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation to design, print, and assemble signage for the 18th National Exhibition of the American Society of Marine Artists at the Jamestown Settlement Museum in Jamestown, Virginia. The exhibit was initially on display from March 7 to April 9, 2020, but due to COVID-19, the exhibit was extended to November 9, 2020.
I assisted in placing and grouping paintings in the gallery space, determining paint color placement, picking and designing pull quotes, and deciding the style guide for all of the signage. I was also responsible for supervising the installation of the parking lot banners.
Every graphic except for the pull quotes were printed and assembled in-house. I designed, printed, and assembled more than 100 labels, 11 banners, 3 sets of wayfinding signage, and the title wall. I also printed, hemmed, and grommeted all of the banners.
All photos by Michael Grenz.